The Project Design and Management journal was born as a biannual publication with the aim of inviting reflection and debate to understand correctly what is the function, contribution and responsibility of the Project, Design and Management (PDM) area at present, not only the academic world but also in the professional space.

Starting by understanding that the PDM area is an interdisciplinary space, under an innovative, collaborative and integral concept towards all the areas that participate, not only in the administration of the necessary resources for a project but also in the design or development of the project. same.

The articles included in this journal are published in Spanish, Portuguese and English, thus serving an international and multicultural space that allows current knowledge management, own and necessary PDM area.

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Currently, internationally electrical regulations like, IEEE and NFPA, and legislation in various countries require management of electrical safety, but there is no existing system for its implementation. Therefore, a system for electrical safety management was designed based on the requirements of ISO 45001 standard and technical norms such as NFPA 70E and IEEE 3007.2. First, an investigation of national and international regulations regarding electrical safety was conducted, and the electrical safety management system was designed. Based on the proposed electrical safety management system, diagnostic audits were performed on companies from various economic sectors to assess their electrical safety management. The results of these audits indicated that all the audited companies were taking specific actions, but there was no management of electrical safety. Subsequently, the electrical safety management system was applied to one of the audited companies, and after the system was implemented, a follow-up audit was conducted. Finally, an analysis of the obtained data was carried out, which allowed us to demonstrate the positive impact of the system, as it showed benefits such as increasing compliance with legal regulations, reducing accidents involving individuals, lowering costs related to equipment and facility damages, and optimizing operational costs. This was aimed at promoting the safe and efficient use of electrical energy.

This article presents a comparative analysis of the actions and results shown by three Latin American oil companies (Ecopetrol, Pemex and Petrobras) in their annual corporate social responsibility reports. Before doing the analysis, a review of the concept of corporate social responsibility and its evolution throughout history is exposed, as well as an overview of the oil industry in Latin America and its relationship with the key issue of environmental sustainability. Then the methodology of the study is explained, which basically, it is a documentary investigation, with a socio-critical approach. Thirdly, the most important data related to the three dimensions of sustainability, economic, environmental and social, are presented. This data is gathered based on the annual sustainability reports of the three companies. Some news related to social and environmental aspects involving the three companies are also reviewed. Finally, the corresponding analysis of the exposed data is carried out; as a result, it is concluded that, although the three Latin American oil companies prepare their reports based on the three dimensions of sustainability, the optimal levels of social and environmental investment required for achieving the sustainable development goals outlined by the 2030 Agenda are not yet reached.

Guatemala has physiographic (geographic) and geotechnical characteristics that make it prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes and tropical storms, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides, which places it in position 10 of the countries with the highest risk of disasters in the world. Likewise, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for  strengthing the resilience of hospitals in the face of health emergencies, because they simultaneously continued to provide care during outbreaks of infectious diseases, social, financial and other crises. This creates the need to build this type of buldings so they will have that capacity to adapt to such phenomena, during or after an event, people can use their facilities and that they are functional.

Abstract. This research proposal integrates the existing relationship between construction technology and the environment, to be used in the construction of housing using the system of non-structural light walls. With this construction system, it is intended to publicize this new non-traditional construction technology, by integrating materials of regional origin and low ecological impact, in order to achieve construction sustainability at an environmental, economic and social level. Theoretically, it is based on Cardellach's philosophical principle, by incorporating the term of tendinous systems in the structures, as constructive forms that have their origin in the zoological architecture of vertebrates, where these structural and constructive forms are at a higher level of mechanical sensitivity and naturally inspired. Subsequently, Thomas integrates design, technology and culture, in an unconventional construction alternative called sinewy walls. The typology of this construction system consists of the on-site manufacture of flat rectangular modular panels, reinforced inside with a barbed wire mesh that acts as integrated tendons, covered on both sides with a mixture of mortar, to form a rigid structural frame, composed of sawn wood, guadua, in metal angle or concrete structure, thus constituting a monolithic structural element that will behave like a confined wall, which will give consistency and finish to the wall.