The MLS Psychology Research journal was created as a biannual publication with the aim of publishing original research and review articles in basic, applied, and methodological areas, contributing to the progress of any field of scientific psychology as its main objective. The articles included in this journal are published in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The international character of this journal makes it suitable for the dissemination of knowledge from different sociocultural environments.

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El bilingüismo puede proporcionar numerosos beneficios cognitivos, pero los niños con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) pueden tener dificultades en el uso del lenguaje debido a la afectación de áreas cerebrales específicas. Sin embargo, algunos niños con TEA tienen menor afectación del lenguaje y cognición, lo que significa que podrían beneficiarse del bilingüismo. Este estudio pretende evaluar si niños bilingües con TEA tienen mejorías cognitivas específicas en comparación con niños monolingües con TEA y niños bilingües con desarrollo típico, para validar o no la hipótesis principal y proponer un enfoque de investigación sobre el uso del bilingüismo en esta población.

The article presents a research focused on the development of a group analysis device called 'The Talking Machine', designed to address the fears and anxieties experienced by student teachers during their professional internships. This device has the main objective of improving student retention and performance by providing a safe and structured space where they can reflect on their concerns and find creative solutions. Through group activities, it is expected that participants will develop communication skills, strengthen their confidence and acquire skills to face the challenges of their teacher training.

Introduction: The availability of teachers to make personal, organizational and academic adaptations in their classrooms is essential for the implementation of inclusive education. This availability is influenced by teacher’s attitudes towards inclusive education. There are not yet many quantitative studies regarding the attitudes of Portuguese teachers towards inclusive education. This study aims to examine the attitudes of Portuguese teachers towards inclusive education, as well as the correlation with demographic and professional characteristics. A quantitative study with a non-experimental, descriptive and correlational design was proposed, using a demographic questionnaire and the MATIES scale (Multidimensional Attitudes toward Inclusive Education Scale). The sample was made up of 437 primary and secondary school teachers in Portugal. Results: The results show that teachers have a generally positive attitude towards inclusive education. No influence of gender, age or type of teacher variables on teachers' attitudes towards inclusive education was identified. Discussion: Teachers have a good level of confidence in their ability to work in the field of inclusive education, but report a lack of specific training in this area. The implications of this evidence in the theoretical and practical field are discussed, as well as the limitations of using attitude assessment scales for inclusive education.