The MLS Educational Research (MLSER) journal is born as a biannual publication with the aim of contributing to the debate, and of improving the understanding of the educational practice, pedagogical innovation and research in general. The articles included in this journal are published in Spanish, Portuguese and English. This journal's international vocation makes it suitable to disseminate knowledge of different socio-cultural environments.


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The objective of the research was to analyze the ICT competencies, in the modality of virtual education in rural contexts of the students from Secondary School Teacher Training in Pedagogy and Social Science of the Faculty of Education Science of Universidad Panamericana. With a quantitative approach and an exploratory/descriptive design, collecting data through a questionnaire applied to 120 students of the Faculty, of which 75% are women and 25% men. The results of the analysis show that most students perceive themselves as having an intermediate level of ICT skills, abilities, and knowledge. The findings show that the means of communication used in virtual learning environments are WhatsApp and email, students recognize the support for the development of ICT, abilities and knowledge provided by Universidad Panamericana. The form of Internet connectivity by students is through Wifi at home and mobile data on their own devices. Based on the results, it can be inferred that the use of ICT supports educational environments that involve activities in virtual mode, such as receiving online classes through educational platforms, as well as the management of receiving and sending homework electronically and virtually. It is important that, at the time of applying ICT in the classroom, the planning, content, activities, and evaluation phases are developed to meet the stated educational objectives in the teaching and learning processes with an inclusive approach in virtual environments for students.

To face the payment of pensions, the University of Guanajuato (UG) takes 40.61 percent of the payroll, which is equivalent to 500 million pesos per year. Due to this situation, a reform called the Solidary Auxiliary Fund to Support the Supplementary Payment of Pensions of the University of Guanajuato (SAF)) was implemented. The objective of this research was to determine the degree of satisfaction regarding job stability after the implementation of this reform. The results show that more than 40 percent strongly agree with an improvement, in aspects such as: the security of receiving their pensions, preventing a financial crisis in the institution, and satisfaction in participating in the contribution to the pension fund. Therefore, it is concluded that the existence of this fund may reduce the subsidy currently covered by the institution, thereby giving the university solidity and that the academic staff is satisfied with its creation and operation for the well-being of their job stability.

This research seeks to identify the predominant learning styles to propose the best teaching strategies that promote meaningful learning and improve academic performance, by identifying the learning styles of a sample of first-semester university students, who were apply the Honey - Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire (CHAEA). The sample consists of 24 participants. The focus of the study is quantitative and qualitative. The data obtained were analyzed using the statistical tools of Microsoft Excel. After processing the results, it was determined that the predominant learning style is reflective with 42%, with a moderate preference. In second place, the pragmatic style with 21%; in third place, the active style with 12.5% ​​and lastly the theoretical style with 4%. With a percentage of 79%, the participants showed a unique learning style and 21% a combined style. All learning styles are present in the student sample. It was also identified that a student with less developed learning styles can obtain higher grade point averages than those students with more developed learning styles. With these results, some didactic strategies are proposed (concept maps, research work and case method, in the case of the reflective style), so that they are implemented according to the learning characteristics of the students and improve their academic performance. For future research, it is recommended to interview teachers, increase the size of the sample, and work with probabilistic sampling.

Objective: This article aims to observe, analyze, discuss and propose possibilities for improving a pedagogical activity proposed for a child with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) with his family under an inclusive focus. Material and methods: This is a case study with a qualitative background, from the point of view of a proposal for pedagogical differentiation, which presents a musical practice on the piano, lasting 50 minutes, for a five-year-old boy, at in the light of the method of Austrian pedagogue Jacques Dalcroze, who proposes the use of three basic domains of evaluation for the success of a musical pedagogical intervention: rhythmic, solfeggio and improvisation. Results: There were movements of the child's body influenced by the music and understanding of the musical score, but without being able to mark the beats with the use of the hands and with restricted musical exteriorization through the tactile-motor sense. The presence and motivation given by the father is seen as a success factor. Conclusions: There is a need for better planning of the intervention, counting on the family from the beginning, and the presence of the father was a motivator for the successful moments of the practice.

There are countless motivations that lead to the path of research. In this case, the motivational reason was the desire to investigate the selection of content, by teachers who work in a specific school in the municipal education network of Salvador-Ba, with the aim of reflecting - and bringing into the field of discussion - the curricular proposals implemented in this teaching unit, seeking to understand how they determine the teaching praxis developed in everyday school life. To this end, the collected data analysis device was used, through the application of questionnaires to teachers and staff, whose analysis revealed that the majority believe that the school develops a curriculum that breaks with the idea of an institution reproducing the determined rules by society. However, it was observed that there is a gap between what is said and what is done, impacting - in a decisive way - on teaching practice and, consequently, on student learning. Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to break with all types of standardizing curriculum, seeking to promote new ways of teaching and learning, based on a curricular structure that guarantees students effective and meaningful learning, taking into account their sociocultural context, life experiences, needs, particularities and specificities.

The present study aimed to analyse the impact of continuous assessment training on teachers' literacy, particularly regarding the frequently observed gaps in initial education. Assessment is an essential skill for educators, but many report feeling unprepared to tackle the challenges of this complex and multifaceted task. A total of 253 teachers teaching in the Pedagogical Zone of Lisbon and the Setúbal Peninsula (Portugal) participated in the study, responding to the Assessment Literacy Questionnaire (QALA), an instrument that assesses various aspects of assessment competence, including understanding educational objectives, appropriate selection of assessment methods and instruments, as well as the interpretation and use of obtained results to enhance student learning. The findings emphasize the importance of continuous assessment training. Teachers who attended specific assessment courses showed significantly better results compared to those who did not, demonstrating greater confidence and competence in conducting formative and summative assessments. These results support the need to invest in professional development programs focusing on empowering teachers in assessment. Educational institutions and policymakers should prioritize offering specific courses and workshops to enhance teachers' assessment skills, addressing the identified gaps in initial education.

This work seeks to characterize the generalities of the scientific community in the Eastern Regional University Center (CURE) of the University of the Republic (Udelar) in Uruguay, and especially, the participation of women in this field. Additionally, the gender relations present in the CURE will be compared with the average of the Udelar. Academic and scientific women, although they have a high rate of participation in the generation of knowledge, do not have equal access to positions of power and prestige as their male peers. The statistical technique of cluster analysis, PAM and hierarchical clusters, was applied to a sample of 167 teachers. Clustering has proven to be a useful tool, with both techniques, showing the presence of 2 well-differentiated groups in the CURE teaching community, where it can be seen that the differences between them are consistent with the gender inequalities present in the scientific community. of the country, particularly in the Udelar. As a main conclusion, we can affirm that in the CURE vertical segregation is deepened, the accumulation of women in positions and lower levels of stratification of the scientific systems, and in their consequent underrepresentation in the highest-ranking positions. This work invites reflection on the change in thinking regarding the representation of women, in society in general and in the scientific community in particular, as an absolutely necessary imperative.

From the paradigm of inclusive education, UDL is an optimal tool to achieve true educational inclusion. This tool provides the necessary scaffolding for a holistic approach to knowledge, considering the included student and anyone who needs it. Through the use of different materials and resources, it seeks to transcend social integration to achieve academic inclusion. It is believed that quality education should not only go as far as possible, but it should provide everyone with the same level of access and opportunities. Even when it is with different modalities, materials or resources, it should facilitate equity in the use and access to knowledge, and ultimately, to learning. The development of research is crucial to encourage the use of UDL as a strategy for educational inclusion and to generate a greater wealth of knowledge in this regard. In this context, this work aims to systematize the bibliographic production in the period 2016-2022 in relation to the use of UDL in the classroom and its impact on educational inclusion in teacher training. To this end, a systematic review was carried out following the Prisma model (2020). By applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 25 articles were obtained referring to educational experiences developed at the tertiary level, and more specifically, in teacher training. This review allowed us to conclude that the use of UDL in the classroom generates a positive impact for educational inclusion and allows both quality education and educational continuity.

The research entitled "The teaching-learning process of surgical practice: a vision from Quality Management" focused on the detailed study of quality management in surgical education in higher education. Its primary objective was to explore and analyze how quality management influences the teaching and learning of surgical practice. The methodology was carried  using a descriptive and documentary design, an exhaustive bibliographic review was carried out in Google Scholar, UNAM Digital Library (BiDi-UNAM) and the ERIC platform. The selection of samples included articles, books, and documents, and a critical analysis and categorization of the key ideas was carried out. The review revealed a diversity of approaches to teaching-learning in surgical practice. Thematic categories such as "Pedagogical Approaches", "Quality Management", "Reform in Surgical Education", and "Critical Analysis" were identified, reflecting the complexity and multifaceted nature of quality management. The findings highlighted the importance of integration between education and surgical practice, and the need for significant changes in training. The relevance of critical analysis and personal reflection in the educational process, and the proper interpretation of quality indicators, were highlighted. These results offer a comprehensive overview of the teaching-learning of surgical practice from quality management, underlining the need to approach it from multiple perspectives

Admission and access to compulsory Dominican public schooling is an issue that, for years, has represented a challenge for the educational system and the rulers. With this challenge, the general objective of the research is to contribute through SISNAE as software guaranteeing reliability and quality of said process in public educational centers. As specific objectives, it is proposed to know the characteristics of the qualification criteria for admission; identify the mechanisms, strategies and techniques applied in the access and admission process by public educational centers for compulsory schooling; analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Dominican educational system reflected in admission to compulsory schooling; and contribute, through the proposal of an automated computer tool, to reduce the risks of arbitrariness in these processes. A computer tool is suggested to optimize the admission process to compulsory Dominican public schooling, guaranteeing a positive impact on society, due to the benefits in favor of educational equity and inclusion. Supported by the methods: hypothetical-deductive, historical-logical, through empirical systematization, through observations, interviews, questionnaires and document analysis. Results are obtained that offer a more efficient, effective service with the levels of effectiveness necessary to guarantee more equitable access to public schooling. Finally, the contribution consists of proposing software for the automation of the access and admission process to compulsory schooling in public centers, contributing to the debate on access to compulsory schooling, and its impact on economically deprived families.

This research identifies the variables that influence the construction of identity and the recognition of plurality in the framework of Colombian rural school coexistence, from the implementation of the toolkit for the promotion of school coexistence and the prevention of abuse presented by the Ministry of Education of Colombia for the educational community of the country's public institutions. Based on a pedagogical and ethnographic experience carried out in the rural schools El Tablón and La Ramada, in Cundinamarca, during the year 2022 and the first semester of 2023, from the use of tools such as: observation, semi-structured interview and pre and post questionnaire, recognizing the impact of how some situations of violation of rights are strongly related to problems that affect the construction of identity, plurality in students from 5 to 11 years old. This research process highlights the importance of recognizing the self and the other as a fragile social bond that requires a free educational context for interaction and acceptance of difference, which is hopeful for all its members as far as possible from positive coexistence orientations and the use of inclusion tools within the school.

Educational processes are changing in Latin America, adjustments have been made to curricular models, they are trying to incorporate technological innovations, they try to better understand current students, and in that order, in Ecuador it is also about innovating in teaching-learning methodologies. The present documentary research work developed during the year 2022, aims to identify recurrent conceptual and methodological aspects in the implementation of active methodologies in Ecuador; It is based on the analysis of experiences of Ecuadorian teachers of the Fiscal Magisterium on the implementation of active methodologies. It is a review of journal articles, master's theses and books, in total 20 sources, mostly primary. Based on the results, it is concluded that in Ecuador the process of methodological change and renewal, from the traditional scheme, would take at least eight years, during which it has tried to implement new strategies, such as: Project-based learning (PBL-projects), problem-based learning (PBL-problems), and Learning based on "flipped classroom"; a certain similarity is perceived in terms of concepts and procedural guidelines of application; and based on these findings, the convenience of conducting empirical studies to evaluate the presence of aspects of several active methodologies in teaching practice in a combined or simultaneous manner is raised.

The purpose of this research study was to analyze the relationship between academic performance and learning strategies, using a descriptive design with a non-experimental and correlational approach. To achieve this, several activities were carried out, based on the fundamental theoretical concepts of learning strategies and academic performance. In addition, non-probabilistic sampling was used and a survey was applied through a questionnaire. The results obtained indicate, with a reliability level of 95%, that it is a fact that, between learning strategies and academic performance, there is a significant relationship for computer engineering students at the Polytechnic Higher Institute of Benguela (ISPB). This research has allowed us to precisely identify how obtaining, perceiving, restoring and supporting the information process are closely linked to the academic performance of students. These findings provide a solid basis for developing effective and personalized pedagogical strategies that promote better academic performance in students, while showing evidence of the importance of implementing appropriate learning techniques, focused on promoting better academic performance of students. providing relevant information that can be used to improve teaching and learning processes.

Any organization, whether public or private, needs trained, competent, committed, humble, responsible and competent human resources to respond to the Institution's expectations and challenges. In this sense, it is necessary that the bosses become leaders, encouraging their employees, striving for harmonious dialogue, valuing their staff and offering better working conditions, a decent salary to improve the quality of life, as well as continuous motivation, because the demotivation of employees destroys organizations, no matter how strong they are. The present descriptive, exploratory and bibliographical study, of a quali-quantitative nature, aimed to describe some factors of demotivation of some employees of the Territory Administration and their impact on the lives of citizens and to propose strategies on how to mitigate the identified problem. 200 civil servants from different areas, spread across the 18 Provinces and 164 Municipalities of the country, participated in the survey, where a three-phase questionnaire was applied, with open and closed questions, created in google forms and shared in several WhatsApp groups. It was concluded that the lack of incentives on the part of the bosses to the subordinates, mistreatment between equals, the spirit of superiority, the disrespect of some hierarchical superiors to the subordinates, low wages, little recognition of the work done, devaluation of meritocracy, the style of Inadequate leadership, underutilization, lack of harmonious and constant dialogue, excessive bureaucracy in internal/external communication and distancing from reality in relation to public management adapted by State Institutions (Provincial Governments and Municipal Administrations, etc.) basis of demotivation.

This article corresponds to a study carried out within the framework of the Master’s Thesis called: "Students' representations on threats to validity, and reliability of assessments of the Virtual English I class of the Department of Foreign Languages of the National Autonomous University of Honduras" with the purpose to have references that serve to eliminate threats and correct security gaps to assessments of the virtual English I class and at the same time give out the background to develop a valid and as secure as possible evaluation system in virtual language classes of the UNAH. The study adopts a mixed methodology, the instrument used to collect data were two questionnaires applied to students of virtual English I of the III PAC 2022. The instruments were filled out online in a survey form using Microsoft Forms. The quantitative analysis was performed with IBM Spss software the quantitative analysis with Atlas/Ti. The results of this research have allowed validation of the Null Hypothesis about the evaluations of the virtual English I class do not have the validity or security that reflects the acquisition of language skills achieved by students according to the CEFR corresponding to 56 hours. Although the validity manages to comply with 4 of 5 validity shreds of evidence suggested by (Downing, 2003; Messick, 1989), some inferences put the safety of the evaluations at risk due to the open possibility of cheating and plagiarism in the evaluations.

In the context of this dissertation, the objective is to analyze the written pedagogical discourse of inclusion teachers in primary education at the Juan Rangel de Cuellar educational institution, in Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia. From the theoretical point of view, it is sustained in the conceptions of the context, Halliday (1994) and Halliday and Hasan (1989), who build their theory in a close relationship with the social context where the context of culture and the context of situation stand out. . The methodology is of the qualitative research type, whose design is based on an ethnographic study, where the aim is to provide a faithful image of what teachers say and the way in which they act. For the development of this research, teacher informants were approached, in a period of two months, from the month of January to the month of March of the year 2023. The present investigation assumes as an instrument an in-depth interview script. By triangulating the results obtained in the investigation, three significant categories for the interpretation and final analysis were selected as a result of a constant review of the work material: written pedagogical discourse and communication, written discourse and pedagogical procedures, written pedagogy and educational quality. It is concluded that the written pedagogical discourse is a generative act of teaching where the student must establish a relationship with the procedures and contents proposed by the teacher, to seek a contextualized social practice. In addition, the practice of written pedagogical discourse must be implemented in a contextual framework of pedagogical activities.