Welcome to the MLS Communication Journal! This scientific publication aims to create a space for discussion and debate, based on a collection of articles derived from projects and research addressing the field of communication from different perspectives and approaches as its main area of study.

We encourage you to submit your work on the different disciplinary fields of communication and their respective areas of confluence and mixture: journalism, advertising, audiovisual communication, interactive communication, or communication within organizations, among others. The journal specifically focuses on the publication of academic and scientific papers that identify, describe, and disseminate unpublished and interesting findings in these fields, from the theoretical review, methodological innovation, experimentation, and the commitment to innovation.

Esta investigación ha sido desarrollada con el objetivo general de determinar un modelo de comunicación efectiva para la difusión de los Programas y Proyectos de Inversión Pública (PIP) del Departamento de Loreto, que ocupa la tercera parte del territorio del Perú, y, dadas sus características geográficas, existe mucha influencia cultural de Colombia y Brasil. Desde la perspectiva metodológica, se basó en un enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel descriptivo, con un diseño de campo, no experimental, transversal, que se apoyó en encuestas aplicadas a los tenientes gobernadores de los poblados ubicados en las fronteras con Colombia y Brasil. Una vez desarrollado el trabajo de campo, se realizó el procesamiento de la información, generando así el análisis descriptivo, la discusión de los resultados y la propuesta de modelo. En esencia, se llegó a la conclusión de que existen importantes limitaciones en el modelo actual de difusión de los PIP en el Departamento de Loreto, debilidades concernientes a todos los elementos de la comunicación: emisores dispersos y no preparados, receptores no caracterizados, canales desaprovechados, mensajes no codificados ni contextualizados, retroalimentación no estimulada. En vista de lo cual se diseña un Modelo de Comunicación Efectiva para la Difusión de los PIP (MCE-D-PIP) que plantea el desarrollo de una Sala Situacional de Comunicación Efectiva (SSCE– PIP), que permita potenciar los roles de productores, consumidores y prosumidores de la información, mediante la diversificación de los canales y una especializada codificación del mensaje, en función del contexto: diversidad cultural, condiciones educativas, factores tecnológicos, entre otros.

A comparative study of video editing software was carried out, with the premise that they were free software or freeware. A Benchmarking study was made, taking as reference those considered up to now as the best of its kind, Da Vinci Resolve and Hitfilm Express.  To select the rest of the software, an investigation was made in the literature and the Internet. When software with potential was found, we passed it through selection filters, which allowed us to reach the programs we were looking for for our research, these were Kdenlive and Shotcut. We were subjecting the selected programs, along with the reference programs, to different questionnaires and tests. Each program obtained a score, and the comparative study was made. The results indicated that, in general terms, free software was on par with the referents, even in some items, such as formats and codecs, higher. We conclude that, with the particularities of each program, which privilege some features over others, any of the four programs that we finally analyzed is worthy of being considered an excellent video editor. In addition, software can be considered cultural assets of this new digital age. They are part of the new media, which must be observed with new paradigms. The current of free software could be taken as one of the new communication paradigms to analyze the new reality.

 In contemporary society, the influence of social media on young people, along with its impact on interpersonal dynamics and self-perception, is classified as a pervasive phenomenon that not only shapes everyday interactions, but also significantly shapes the construction identity and virtual socialization patterns. In particular, TikTok has become a prominent platform for the younger population. Taking this into account, the present research focuses on the effects of TikTok on the identity construction and virtual socialization of students between 18 and 26 years old enrolled at the University of Ankara. To empirically address these objectives, a total of 30 students from Ankara University actively participated in this research by completing a questionnaire based on the object of study. This instrument was designed with the purpose of describing the case study and the resulting dynamics in identity formation, virtual socialization, and the perception of popularity by the sample. The findings obtained provide a concrete insight into the digital landscape among students at the University of Ankara. Consequently, this study not only sheds light on the complexities of digital identity formation but also emphasizes the intricate network of interactions that influence the social experiences of young individuals in these environments.

The study of student engagement in the MOOCs context is very important in the scientific community of higher and postgraduate education as it contributes to improving academic performance. However, its high academic dropout rate is known internationally. For this reason, the objectives of this study are to determine, based on a theoretical study, which engagement variables influence academic dropout in MOOCs, and to describe, based on the analysis of a questionnaire, the evaluations of the participating teachers. To achieve this end, the following research questions were posed: What are the most studied variables regarding engagement that contribute to reducing the dropout rate in MOOCs? What, in the opinion of university professors, are the variables that contribute to reducing the dropout rate in MOOCs? To achieve these objectives, a mixed research approach (systematic review and survey) was implemented, and instruments were designed and validated to obtain information. The intentional sample was comprised of university professors from two countries. The results showed that the main variables are data privacy, the design of forums, education democratization, gamification, satisfaction, and perceived quality. The article concludes with didactic and pedagogical recommendations to enhance engagement.

The representation of mothers in Spanish cinema and television series has been conceived around the idea of the perfect woman, and therefore, the ideal mother, which puts even more pressure on female characters. This article aims to study the portrayals of motherhood in the series Sagrada Familia (Netflix, 2022-2023) to determine whether these women finally break away from the idealization typically associated with mothers. With a qualitative-descriptive approach, it analyzes seven characters whose storylines revolve around questioning biological motherhood or depicting families with dysphoric mothers, among other themes. Drawing from gender studies and character analysis, this research examines these mothers from different perspectives, such as the type of motherhood they practice, how they protect their children, or how they balance their careers and romantic lives—two aspects traditionally used to limit female characters. This study shows how Sagrada Familia contributes to portraying a different kind of woman, thus desacralizing the concept of motherhood.