The MLS Sport Research (MLSSR) journal was created as a biannual publication with the aim of publishing original research and review articles in basic, applied, and methodological areas, contributing to the progress of any field from the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. The articles included in this journal are published in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.

Published studies must comply with the different phases of research with methodological rigor. The MLS Sport Research will address different areas within physical activity and sport: health, physical education, injury prevention, and rehabilitation, first aid, new technologies, physiology, nutrition, psychology, leadership and management, training, and sports performance.

On this page, you will be able to access the tables of contents of all issues of the MLS Sport Research (MLSSR), abstracts, and complete articles. In the "About" section you will also find all the information about our journal, its editorial team, publication system, and online submissions.