MLS PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH Psychology-Research-Journal

ISSN: 2605-5295

How to cite this article:

Toala Ponce, S. R., Quiñónez Ortiz, E. C., & Gómez Pinillo, L. Y. (2020). Indiscipline and its Factors in Learning Teaching. MLS Psychology Research 3 (1), 21-38. doi: 10.33000/mlspr.v2i2.392


Santa Rocio Toala Ponce
Universidad Técnica “Luis Vargas Torres” de Esmeraldas
Elsa Cecilia Quiñónez Ortiz
Universidad Técnica “Luis Vargas Torres” de Esmeraldas
Ludy Yoconda Gómez Pinillo
Universidad Técnica “Luis Vargas Torres” de Esmeraldas

Date received: 03/01/2020 / Date reviewed: 31/01/2020 / Date accepted: 05/01/2020

Abstract. The purpose of this article was to determine the factors that induce indiscipline and that this has an impact so that good teaching-learning is not achieved within the classroom, it is assumed that university students should be motivated by the careers that they themselves have elected and are in a position to assume the responsibilities that this implies; But this is not fulfilled and there are problems of indiscipline, due to the immaturity that young people still have, they are increasingly distracted by cell phones, they want to leave the classroom frequently and have difficulty maintaining attention and not talking. Disruptions in the classroom interfere with the achievement of learning, teachers and managers must maintain discipline and, if applicable, apply the appropriate sanctions, since the rules of coexistence and respect are essential to achieve successful teaching-learning. To carry out this work, a survey was carried out on 185 students and 20 teachers of the Faculty of Pedagogy, of the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres" of Esmeraldas, in order to have a more accurate criterion of what the factors are that induce indiscipline in the classroom. It is concluded that students have acquired inappropriate habits, little practice of values, use of technology in non-academic activities, a percentage of teachers still do not use technology in teaching-learning.

Keywords: indiscipline, indisciplinary factors, teaching-learning


Resumen. El presente artículo tuvo como propósito determinar los factores que inducen a la indisciplina y que esto repercute para que no se logre una buena enseñanza-aprendizaje dentro del aula de clases, se asume que los estudiantes universitarios deberían estar motivados por las carreras que ellos mismos han elegido y están en condiciones de asumir las responsabilidades que esto implica; pero esto no se cumple y se presentan problemas de indisciplina, debido a la inmadurez que aún poseen los jóvenes están cada vez más distraídos con los teléfonos celulares, quieren salir del salón de clases con frecuencia y tienen dificultades para mantener la atención y no hablar. Las interrupciones en el aula interfieren con el logro del aprendizaje, los docentes y directivos deben mantener la disciplina y de ser el caso aplicar las sanciones pertinentes, puesto que las normas de convivencia y de respeto son esenciales para lograr la enseñanza-aprendizaje con éxito. Para la realización de este trabajo se realizó una encuesta, a 185 estudiantes y 20 docentes de la facultad de la Pedagogía, de la universidad Técnica “Luis Vargas Torres” de Esmeraldas, con el fin de tener un criterio más certero de cuáles son los factores que inducen a la indisciplina en el aula de clases. Se concluye que los estudiantes han adquirido hábitos no adecuados, poca práctica de valores, uso de tecnología en actividades no académicas, un porcentaje de docentes aún no hacen uso de la tecnología en la enseñanza aprendizaje.

Palabras claves: La indisciplina, factores indisciplinarios, enseñanza, aprendizaje


Indiscipline is a destructive behavior that does not promote peace and coexistence in society. This behavior is an acting cancer for many nations of the world, as it is a threat to the lives of young people. Many efforts have been made by various world leaders to reduce this growing notoriety, especially among schoolchildren; unfortunately, it can be seen that indiscipline has not been able to be fought due to a number of factors that do not help eradicate it.

Lack of discipline is present in the study centers of our country, so measures must be taken to intervene in these cases that are adversely affecting normal curriculum development. The bad behaviors of the students reflect a little practice of values, these reasons do not allow a good development of teaching-learning, as a consequence of arising problems.

When speaking about indiscipline on college students, young people who have already adult age seems not to agree, however, it is happening on university classrooms. This is, in many cases due to a lack of responsibility that young people is showing when they go to a study center while obtaining a university degree.

In the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres" in Esmeraldas, among students of the first year, indiscipline can be observed in different ways, either because students are late, the teacher allows them to enter classes. They are not up-to-date with the class and certain task, so they start asking. They do not bring tools to carry out their activities, neither. Other reasons for indiscipline are notifications from their mobile phones when trying to answer, in other cases. Sometimes, they have no intention to taking classes, so they begin interrupting classmates; so, the teacher catches their attention and the students answer inappropriately, so the teacher finds it necessary to ask them to leave the classroom. Indiscipline among students results in situations that affects a normal development of their studies, due to their lack of maturity.

Normally, the students who do not attend classes, or have to leave a classroom for any reason; they do not worry about having the necessary information on the subjects discussed so they analyze them; they accumulate shortcomings in their learning process. At the end of the cycle, there is an impact that results in repeating or fails of the subjects. This leads to dropping out of school temporarily or permanently.

Indiscipline or undisciplined means that an individual does the opposite of what is instructed, or that an individual does not respectfully accept an order from an authority. In other words, the word indiscipline is understood as a lack of discipline, that is, the total absence of an adequate behavior that must be carried out, whether in home, an educational institution or wherever an individual is. If in any of these scenarios, the individual does not respect the rules of conduct that he/she must have, so that is considered indiscipline.

Indiscipline has a great impact on what you want to achieve, because being irresponsible, disorganized, not knowing how to control impulses, not respecting rules, are mitigating factors that obstruct a perceptible capacity to achieve goals. Being undisciplined results in harmful situations that impair a normal development of any activity, which in many cases, it can be attributed immaturity, or a lack of development in individual’s social interaction.

In García's opinion (2008), indiscipline is a type of behavior that deviates from what is generally accepted by the norms, as seen in almost all facets of society; at home, in educational centers, public and religious places.

Zamudio Villafuerte (2012) states that lack of discipline in schools has become a general problem. Due to the increase in distractors, such as be part of a group, paying attention to tasks that are not related to studies, continuous usage of mobile phones during class hours, to name a few mitigating factors.

Para Goñi Grandmontagne (2009) la indisciplina hoy en día es común entre los estudiantes, además hace hincapié en que los eventos de indisciplina se observan en todos lados y que este comportamiento de indisciplina exige la aplicación de sanciones, debido a que la indisciplina en los seres humanos se valora como un acto poco ético que no corresponde con las normas y valores de la sociedad.

On the other hand, De la Mora Solís (2015) believes that indiscipline is all actions, words, attitudes and gestures of rebellion that hinder disciplinary rules established in an educational institution, or that represent an attack against integrity, authority, performance, harmony and idiosyncrasy of an institution, intolerance and indisciplinary behavior cause disorder, destruction and anxiety among students. Therefore, disciplinary behaviors do not create an environment conducive to learning, instead, it leads to poor academic work.

A student has his/her own characteristics that must be taken into consideration when determining factors that produce possible causes ending in disruptive behaviors, which may be due to insecurity, inadequate adaptation, integration problem with peers, isolation, aggressiveness, not accepting educational values, marginalization as it may also be that they have difficulty learning and obtaining good grades or they have failed subjects.

All the concepts studied are related to the fact that any behavior that affects a development of normal life in educational centers and that hinders coexistence and learning is accepted as a lack of discipline; this is due to the existence of a great diversity of terms to conceptualize such behavior. It is clear that at school is possible to establish factors that guide acts of indiscipline, to the point that necessary measures can be taken to correct and prevent these events.

In some instances, it is presented that students -for different reasons- arrive late to the study center, some do so repeatedly, others students have a justified reason such as job reasons or for some inconveniences that they might be facing, certain teachers are considerate -so that the student does not lose track of the subjects being discussed- they allow to enter the classroom, but some students do not appreciate this gesture; on the contrary, they interrupt the lecture or discussion, distract other students, impede learning and in general, they interrupt a normal class.

So, it is necessary that when starting a school year, this aspect must be taken care of so it does not continue, it will be extended for the entire cycle and the students will create habits for the subsequent cycles. Since there is a number of possible reasons why students are late to class, it is necessary considering such causes for this problem to avoid it from the beginning, so that teachers can apply appropriate measures and strategies. However, understanding the reasons does not require tolerating bad behaviors.

For Prieto Navarro (2008), the students do not perceive the level of interruption that they cause when arriving late -for their classmates and for the teacher- they cut the thread of the subject being discussed at that time; and students who are used to arriving early tend to get annoyed. The teacher should point out such an inconvenience and remind students arriving late that their behavior affects others.

On the other hand, Díaz Bordenave (1982) states that students should be explained that being late has both intellectual and social repercussions. The teacher should emphasize students that when they are late, they detract their peers from learning and disrupt teacher’s normal flow of thinking. Often, it occurs at the beginning of class, when the teacher makes connections to previous materials and frames the day's content in terms of questions or key points. When students are late, not only do they lose that important framing information, but they create such a distraction that can cause their classmates to lose it, too. In addition, the social impact of the being late must be pointed out; teachers, for example, should indicate students that this action represents a lack of respect.

The number of students who are consistently late in college is concerning, as well as many who are absent sometimes all week; this leads to problems in the student's overall educational experience. Being absent a 10 percent of the school year causes many students to have learning difficulties, and if they drop subjects, they lose time that can be used to advance to the next cycles, this can be associated with an increase in failure rates and school dropout.

To correct this situation with college students -delays attending classes- students should be made aware of the harm they themselves cause and how it affects others, they teachers should allow entry into the classroom only if it is verified that the delay is due to greater reason.

In constant work with young university students, who due to their inexperience show impulsive behaviors as a tendency to act on a whim, showing behavior characterized by little or no foresight, reflection or consideration of consequences. These impulsive actions are typically ill-conceived, prematurely expressed, unduly risky, or inappropriate for any situation that often result in undesirable consequences for them, because they jeopardize long-term goals and strategies for success.

In some cases, it can be said that there are various factors for impulsiveness, which may be acceptable, because it implies an action without much foresight in appropriate situations, which may result in desirable consequences. When such actions have positive results, they tend not to be seen as signs of impulsiveness, but as indicators of boldness, speed, spontaneity, bravery.

To get a clearer idea, it can be stated that impulsivity is associated with undesirable, rather than desirable results. People who are impulsive are commonly described as reckless, impulsive, unpredictable, or unstable. They are quick to lash out at anything considered mild and often do not recognize how unreasonable or excessive these emotions are.

Linehan (2012) states that young people are often characterized as impulsive, reckless, and emotionally unstable, so this behavior was often attributed to "volatile hormones." However, recently some scientific studies have been able to explain the impulsive behavior of adolescents and young people as a result of an imbalance in brain development. According to this theory, the prefrontal cortex -the center of the brain's cognitive control system- matures more slowly than the limbic system, which governs desires and appetites, including food and sex drives. This creates an imbalance in the brain that leads to even more impulsive and risky behavior.

In psychological terms, Morris & Maisto (2001) state that impulsive behaviors are essentially inappropriate, either in terms of scale or potential risk. An impulsive person is less likely to consider potential consequences and often uses self-injury behaviors (such as binge eating or excessive drinking) as a mean of coping with their problems. However, impulsive behaviors are not -in themselves- diagnostic; only when the behavior is pervasive, disruptive and it interferes with a person's ability to function normally, it can be considered. In the same way, impulsiveness should not be confused with a compulsion, in which a person recognizes that the behavior is abnormal but cannot stop it.

It can be said that impulsive behaviors are reactions performed without thinking, from making hasty decisions to getting into fights, impulsiveness can cause harm to own person and to those around such a person. In addition, it damages relationships and overall sense of well-being, impulsive behaviors can also cause financial and legal harm if left unattended.

Teachers are often exposed to hearing inappropriate words or vocabularies used by students in the educational institution, which are expressed because they are fashionable, they heard it somewhere, to attract attention or to make a difference in the group. Even though students are always reminded to conduct themselves appropriately when expressing their feelings, but everything has a time and a place. Teachers always must remind them that to achieve their goals, they must pay attention to their actions and thoughts, it aimed at the education/grade they want to achieve so to become professionals. Therefore, expressions with profane terms or words with unknown meaning are not allowed in the institution, because such terms may contribute more to indiscipline.

For Castañeda Carreón & Carlos (2017) the word unseemly, improper, unspeakable means not conforming to what is accepted as correct, appropriate or in good taste, because unseemly suggests a violation of accepted standards of good manners. The conduct or the use of improper words can be applied to a wider range of infractions of rules not only of social conduct but ethical practices or logical procedures in any context that it develops.

Castañeda Carreón & Carlos (2017) say: although it is important not to react defensively to the use of rude words by students, it is important that the teachers to make it clear that such terms are not allowed in the classroom, because they are unrespectful for everyone. The way in which the teacher chooses to approach such a problem will depend on the nature of the behavior occurring, as well as their individual style; letting the use of inappropriate words pass can diminish the authority of the teacher within the classroom.

On the other hand, Suárez Zozaya & Pérez (2008) state that, if rude behavior occurs or the use of inappropriate words, the teacher might choose to address a class as a whole, indicating what is and what is not acceptable, since they are students with a legal age, it is not necessary to do otherwise. It is important that the teacher respond immediately and coherently to inappropriate behaviors, the way in which teachers handle such a matter will depend to a great extent, so that this type of problem does not reappear, suggesting to students the usage of appropriate terms of expression, to have productive classes for the benefit of all.

For all the above, what the study centers and the university as a higher education institution seek is the transformation of the individual as a particular and of society in general; since universities are intended to prepare students for valuable living conditions in society and training for a professional life. Therefore, it is essential to instruct individuals comprehensively and to demonstrate that they can function within any community and contribute to the social, economic and political development of the nation; for this you must develop; abilities, values, attitudes, aptitudes and appropriate knowledge, to be able to offer your best contingent to the place where you are.

Society expects educational institutions to be preferred environments to transform citizens into productive and useful for any nation, so developing discipline among students is one of the key attributes to be effective.

The use of cell phones in classroom to conduct activities can be harmful, some students will use it correctly but as soon they are not being observed by the teacher, they will quickly switch to other sites not agreed for the task. It is a dangerous in the sense that some students will carry out their activities responsibly and others students will not.

A task in the classroom with the use of cell phones would be beneficial when the internet is provided by the educational institution, because they have limited access, they block certain websites in which students cannot access social networks, the sites are purely academic web pages.

Smartphones and the use of electronic tablets can reduce a student's ability to think to their full potential, due to the surrounding distractions between peers who are sending different types of messages at all times and cannot resist the temptation to answer. That way students' attention is divided into two tasks: what the teacher tries to teach and what the student tries to do on the digital device. This leads to the retention of fewer elements related to both tasks because the brain system intervening or stopping movement in the body, it also interrupts cognition (Garza Gutiérrez, Carvajal A, & Avila Alpirez, 2019).

Likewise, Garza Gutiérrez, Carvajal A, & Avila Alpirez (2019) say that, if a teacher has students with smartphone addiction, they should conduct dialogs about cell phone use in the classroom, in non-academic activities affects performance and ratings. So, teachers must establish basic rules about the use of technology at the beginning of the academic year, so that students control themselves to become less tempted to take out their cell phones while the teacher is conducting classes.

The authors Villareal & Márquez P. (2014) state that currently the use of cell phones is of great help because information can be sent and received instantly, but sometimes it represents a tool that damages normal development of a class. When such devices are not being used responsibly for academic matters. The teacher has to be very aware, go through entire classroom, walk from one place to another to see if it is being used correctly to see desired result.

On the other hand, Nielsen & Webb (2011) comment that educators should not be prohibiting electronic devices in the classroom. A technology ban is not only contrary to the intuition of the world we live in, but could also harm students' development in the use of programs that would allow them to have a better participation in classes. So teachers, as well as students, need to change their practices; teachers must adapt to the reality that smartphones and other devices are here to stay, what they should do is watch and be aware of students’ motives to turn on their devices while in classes to connect with non- academic activities. If happens to be that the class has become tedious to them, teachers have to change their strategy so to avoid it from happening.

Technology is a powerful tool that facilitates learning, allows concepts to come to life when correctly used, and it becomes an instrument for effective learning by correctly integrating with lessons. However, sometimes some teachers are against the use of cell phones in the classroom because they are concerned, with the distraction that it represents in the learning process while teaching (Yan, 2015).

One of the benefits provided by the use of cell phones in the classroom is blended learning, which is the combination of electronic learning with traditional classroom teaching, as indicated by Yan (2015), who also mentions that for the effective use of this technique, preparation is required; the teacher must carefully plan how to move seamlessly between traditional instruction and rich-technology activities. The teacher should also ensure that the culminating activity concludes with an assessment to determine if students have learned. If learning has not occurred, the strategies used were not effective.

Today, teachers can find various applications in the market that present concepts in a creative and attractive way. Using apps relevant to the concept being taught can provide a multi-sensorial experience that students will enjoy. However, it must always be kept in mind that it is important to evaluate if the students have learned at the end of the lesson. The evaluations do not have to be extensive tests, but they are necessary to verify the effectiveness of the teaching strategy being used (Zarra, 2017).

Another interesting thing about using technology tools is that social media can be used as a platform for students to participate in meaningful educational discussions. Teachers can create closed class groups and ask questions to which students respond. Students can also share their own thoughts and ideas, as well as upload videos they have created for classmates to evaluate them and learn. The use of this tool opens the doors for the most appropriate strategy to be used because possibilities are endless (Zarra, 2017).

Technology is considered a necessity for the teaching-learning environment, because the use of technology in the classroom not only helps to learn better, but also students acquire multitasking skills; they can learn at their own pace -which is not the case in the traditional classroom- because learning is slower and more difficult to achieve. With the integration of technology in education, students have the ability to increase speed and review lessons and concepts, more advanced students can improve their learning. Teachers find creative ways to teach their students that keeps them engaged. Technology has the ability to improve teacher-student relationships, helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun. Students can also collaborate with their own classmates through technology apps.

While technology has undoubtedly changed education, many educators still choose to use a more traditional, low-tech approach to learning. Some learning styles require a physical presence and interaction between the educator and the student. Additionally, some research has shown that low-tech classrooms can boost learning. For example, students who take handwritten notes have a better memory than students who do not take handwritten notes. Another drawback to technology in the classroom may be that students are deficient in spelling and writing skills. Ultimately, tailoring the learning experience to different types of students is incredibly important, and sometimes students work best with a low-tech approach.

Sometimes when teachers are starting a class some students are not paying attention, they are talking despite the fact that they are being told the class has started, sometimes they are asked to abandon the classroom if they keep talking, they get calm for a period of time, then they start talking again, so the teacher sees the need to take other measures. In order to have a good work environment in a classroom, it is necessary absolute silence so to one voice to be heard, either from the teacher who is giving instructions or explaining the class and to respect others’ opinions being issued in an order. On the part of the students, the same must happen when the students have to expose their work, there must be a respect for each group exposing and the ability to listen carefully. In this way, it is possible for the student-teacher interaction to be carried out in a good manner and by hence teaching learning.

As repeated attention is drawn to certain students who want to talk about everything just when they are in the classroom and have to carry out the activities, a good strategy is to improve the relationships of students with teachers due to the important, positive implications and lasting that this entails, for academic and social development. Through this aspect, make students aware of the gaps in knowledge that they and their classmates would have that cause continuous interruptions in classes, in this way they behave better in class and achieve higher academic levels.

Durán Ganchoza & Muñoz Suarez (2017) point out the complexity and breadth of social and school problems that can lead to student behavior during school hours. A good teacher must be able to play the role of social mediator because school programs are not the apparent cause of problematic behaviors, changes in school practices may not seem to provide a substantial solution.

For a better student-teacher interaction, it is important to know the opinions of the students, about how classroom practices could better help those with behavioral problems. It is necessary positive relationships among teachers and students, it brings beneficial results that motivate students in the learning process and promote their desire to continue studying (Durán Ganchoza & Muñoz Suarez, 2017).

Another important aspect to kept in mind is the content of materials, for it to be attractive, appropriate and that it coincides with the skills that the student wishes to develop, because a monotonous classes, the lack of didactic resources, makes it difficult for students to maintain their interest and attention, increasing difficulties for conducting teaching-learning process, since high-quality academic instruction must be designed, according to the educational levels that the students take, which it is easy to associate previous knowledge with current knowledge in an analytical, critical and reflective way (Durán Ganchoza & Muñoz Suarez, 2017).

Teaching is the most extraordinary profession in the world, although roles and functions vary from country to country, the differences between teachers are generally greater within a country than between countries. Because the nature of the activities that make up teaching depends more on the age of the people being taught than on anything else. University students -who have already gone through various educational processes on many occasions- have not reached the maturity in behavior and discipline that they must have in order to make their learning effective, which is why many teachers see the need for implementing strategies to carry out the teaching-learning process in the best possible way.

No teacher likes to deal with disciplinary problems, it is simply not fun, but since there are different situations, they must be faced it and corrected it in a timely manner. There are several factors involved in building and maintaining proper discipline in the classroom, which is essential to creating a suitable climate for achieving the common goal of teaching-learning.

To have good academic results from the beginning of the school year, it is necessary to establish how you will work during the semester, make clear the rules of the course, which consists of the explanation of the work procedures, the evaluation criteria, the basic rules of behavior, so that the performance in the classroom is not altered, in addition to insisting on the rules of coexistence and respect, socializing the sanctions contemplated in articles 35 and 37 of the Disciplinary Regime of the Statute of the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres" at Esmeraldas.

Teachers should pay attention to planning so to achieve their expected results while conducting classes, so they do not experience drawbacks of any kind, they must plan well how it will be developed, as Aguaded Gómez & Fonseca Mora (2007) say, which is essential to start an organized class in such a way that it can be carried out without interruptions of any kind, so techniques and methods used by the teacher must guarantee that objectives are achieved, which is the development of strategies and the acquisition of knowledge by students. Therefore, the use of teaching materials appropriate to the class -to be taught- must be considered, in this way the teaching-learning interaction is achieved in the most appropriate way. It can be supported with the use of educational technology to organize knowledge and achieve purposes, or make tools/techniques.

For, Zabalza Beraza & Zabalza Cerdeiriña (2010), the teacher should take his/her time to plan, be willing to plan the instructions well, have the tools available and be as organized as possible. The teacher should observe what elements are disturbing to the normal development of the classes, to make corrections on time. Facing problems when they occur is essential, because letting go and waiting can make the situation worse, the problems would become more acute and it would be more difficult to solve them. Something to consider is also when you have a new course and students are still not well differentiated, they may be asked to wear a name badge.

Teach the procedures well, clearly explain what is going to be done, at that moment, put into practice with a small example, correct if necessary, so that they do it well, because if the teacher does not take the time to properly teach procedures, he/she will end up frustrated throughout the cycle when students just don't seem to follow him/her because they don't understand (Biggs & Burville Biggs, 2004). A good strategy is to keep students engaged. The more students are committed to learning, the less they will cause problems. To achieve this, the teacher must demonstrate the passion they feel for teaching and that the subject they teach is interesting. When students learn their work, so there is no need to lecture all day. Engaging students in activities is a great way to make them have their own initiative to learn.

Teachers should not stay in one place while they explain the class, the most practical thing is that they move constantly in the classroom, because this allows them to observe what the students are doing. This technique not only provides some variety, but also causes students to pay more attention.

Developing a good relationship with students is important so that they have an appreciation for the subject, to get respect and to feel that teachers care about them; to do that, you have to be genuine and admit mistakes, be friendly and approachable, congratulate students on their achievements, and attend extracurricular events when possible. However, it must be clear that interactions with students must be friendly, but not familiar (Day, 2006).

The training that is intended to be achieved with the students is comprehensive, for which they must be asked to keep the classrooms clean, to organize their desks, to accustom them to having only at their desks what they need for the activity they are going to do, everything else should be kept or put on the floor. This can help the teacher to have better control, see easily and exactly what students are doing, and there will be a better focus when carrying out certain activities.

In this rapidly changing world, education plays an important role in empowering students to participate in the challenges that come their way, because the 21st century is rapidly changing in every human dimension (economically, socially, technologically), educators and policy makers face complex problems, so teachers have to create students on the 21st century with significant skills (Martínez, Ruiz, & Valladares, 2012).

Teachers that belong to the 21st century need to employ teaching skills, mastery of content, and integration of teaching with technology, because teacher development programs are so important. The impact of good teaching is increasingly cited as an important determinant of society's economic well-being. The useful and productive teacher compensation system works as an important link to attract well-qualified and highly motivated people to the teaching profession.

The quality of teachers determines the quality of education and is linked to the development of the population. With emerging technologies, teaching-learning is transforming from a learning environment focused on the teacher who guides and the student who learns, by the maximum opportunities open to new generations, and educational trends at a global level to generate change on a large scale through creative uses of emerging technologies, which makes learning more practical, meaningful and fun (Trías & Ardans, 2004).


For this investigation, the empirical method was used because it allowed an examination and analysis of the previous information to later verify, and verify which theory to use, the theoretical method for literary information based on facts, to reach a scientific understanding of them, the inductive method, which served to obtain the conclusions of the phenomenon under study, the deductive method, because it allowed simplifying results to minimum explanation and the descriptive statistical method that allowed describing facts by visualizing them, giving a summary general based on the data obtained from the study phenomenon in numerical and graphic form.

The survey technique was used, in order to have a clearer idea of the factors that affect indiscipline and how it damages the teaching-learning of the students of the first cycles of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres” from the city of Esmeraldas. Since the first period of the year began in May and ended in August 2019, the observation and survey of dichotomous closed questions addressed to 20 teachers (15 women and 5 men), 185 students (140 women and 45 men), after tabulation the following results were obtained.

Table 1.
Summary: student surveys

N.º Questions Option and percentage
Yes % No % Survey %
1 Do you consider being late to be a reason to talk in the classroom and cause indiscipline? 94 51% 91 49% 185 100
2 Do you think that being impulsive causes indiscipline? 144 78% 41 22% 185 100
3 Do you think that the use of improper words is one of the reasons that causes indiscipline? 112 61% 73 39% 185 100
4 Do you think that the use of cell phones contributes to the poor attention of the classes, causing indiscipline? 170 92% 15 8% 185 100
5 Do you think that a person is unruly when he is repeatedly called out for talking during school hours? 135 73% 50 27% 185 100
6 Do you consider that teachers use current strategies and techniques for teaching - learning? 94 51% 91 49% 185 100
Note: Source: survey addressed to students of the FACPED Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres" in Esmeraldas.
Prepared by: Santa Toala Ponce, M.Sc., Elsa Quiñónez Ortiz, M.Sc., Ludy Gómez Pinillo, M.Sc.

Table 2.
Summary: teacher surveys

N.º Questions Option and percentage
Yes % No % Survey %
1 Do you think that when a student is late, it causes discipline in the classroom? 12 60% 8 40% 20 100
2 Do you think that when a student is impulsive it causes indiscipline? 10 50% 10 50% 20 100
3 Do you think that the use of improper words is one of the reasons that causes indiscipline? 11 55% 9 45% 20 100
4 Do you think that the use of cell phones by students contributes to the lack of attention in class, causing indiscipline? 17 85% 3 15% 20 100
5 Do you think that a person is unruly when he is repeatedly called out for talking during school hours? 13 65% 7 35% 20 100
6 Do you consider that you use current strategies and techniques for teaching - learning? 12 60% 8 40% 20 100
Note: Source: survey directed to teachers of the FACPED Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres" of Esmeraldas
Prepared by: Santa Toala Ponce, M.Sc., Elsa Quiñónez Ortiz, M.Sc., Ludy Gómez Pinillo, M.Sc.


The results obtained from the survey of 20 teachers (15 women and 5 men), 185 students (140 women and 45 men) from the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres", in Esmeraldas, clearly show the factors that produce indiscipline: how can it be evidenced in questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, which were carried out on students, where it is shown that more than 51% of the respondents stated that they commit mistakes such as being late, being impulsive, use non-inappropriate terms, use the cell phone for non-educational purposes, converse in the classroom, causing indiscipline that affects teaching-learning. In question 6 made to students, 51% of the respondents considered that teachers use current strategies and techniques for teaching-learning, while 49% consider that they do not.

The answers to questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, which were made to teachers regarding the factors that influence the lack of discipline in the classroom, indicates that more than 50% of respondents agree that the factors indicated in questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, induce indiscipline that affects the normal development of teaching-learning. Regarding the answer to question No. 6 that was made to teachers, 60% of them answered that they do use current strategies and techniques for teaching-learning, unlike the 40% that indicated that they did not.

Discussion and Conclusions

According to the stated objective, which was to determine the factors that induce indiscipline and its impact on teaching-learning. The small responsibility assumed by students in their education is shown, because some students have acquired bad habits from previous teaching experiences.

The study shows that indiscipline does occur in the students of the first cycles of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres, in the city of Esmeraldas. These results agree with those indicated by García (2008), Zamudio Villafuerte (2012), Goñi Grandmontagne (2009) and De la Mora Solís (2015) who mention that an individual is undisciplined when he does not respect rules, he does everything that is contrary to what it is established in a certain place, as standards of good behavior.

It was established that there is a good percentage of students who arrive at the university late for different reasons and this causes constant interruptions and disrupts normal development of educational work. This agrees with what Prieto Navarro (2008) says, that the students do not take into account that being late adversely affects everyone, and Díaz Bordenave (1982) considers that when students arrive late to classes, they have both intellectual and social effects and it is considered a lack of respect.

According to the high impulsiveness indexes, the educator as part of the comprehensive training of students is obliged to look for mechanisms that control impulsiveness, because in many occasions due to student's immaturity they do not control impulses that lead them to commit mistakes. This is very similar to what Linehan (2012) says in the event that the student demonstrates his/her impulsiveness, in that he/she wants everything fast and cannot stay in one place for a long time, strategies must be applied to keep him/her busy in that way. The way student would be controlled some, because impulsive people quickly catch sometimes the teachings and not doing things quickly and practicing fast is a stressor to them. This is also expressed by Morris & Maisto (2001); if a student demonstrates impulsivity of another type -that he/she definitely cannot control impulses of harming or attacking classmates- to observe how often the student does it; and if by bring it to attention he/her corrects such behavior, ignores it, or otherwise the student does not change such a conduct, the student should be suggested to seek professional help, before things get worse such as harming others and himself/herself.

If it is high the use of inappropriate terms, so students must be highly controlled in their use, so that they improve their way of expressing themselves towards others and have respect for the place they are in, as part of their academic training. They must internalize and use appropriate terms so that they are leaving aside the use of inappropriate words, which would harm their personality and profession as future educators. This study agrees with Castañeda B., Carreón R., & Carlos F. (2017), Suárez Zozaya & Pérez I. (2008) who state that students must adjust to what the study centers consider correct and that in the moment that the use of improper terms occurs, the teacher must make it clear that this type of situation will not be tolerated in the classroom.

The use of the cell phone should be allowed only for educational purposes within the classroom, to avoid distractions that produce indiscipline, because there are students who still cannot control the use of cell phones as an entertainment, they do not attend to the teacher when lecturing and explaining certain topics and at the time of carrying out the activity simply do not do it well, because they did not pay attention responsibly. This is very consistent with (Garza Gutiérrez, Carvajal A, & Avila Alpirez, 2019), Villareal & Márquez P. (2014) who indicate that students who use the cell phone during class for non-academic activities have an impact on their learning, in general. At the end of the cycle, the result will not be satisfactory due to the lack of attention in class, the use of the cell phone for searching topics outside the study, so students must be taught to regulate themselves when using technology in the classroom. But these results do not agree with Nielsen & Webb (2011), (Yan, 2015), (Zarra, 2017) who state that cell phone use should be allowed in the classroom because currently, it allows developing a series of skills for students, for which teachers must be trained, so that they can make use of all the programs that they can use in the classroom through the cell phone to have productive classes.

A high percentage of students like to talk in the classroom, they impair a normal development of the classes and the activities. Because the first minutes of class are usually the most important, since in this time is when the teachers are sharing information on how to go, framing the content of the conference or discussion, connecting current content with past content; for this type of attitude to be avoided, the student-teacher relationships should improve. Durán Ganchoza & Muñoz Suarez (2017) agreed that the teacher must have good communication with the students to detect what is the cause of the interruptions and that the classes must contain all the necessary implements for a good development.

It is concluded that the university has its statute, so that students who recur with inappropriate behaviors should be subject to sanctions provided for in the university's disciplinary policy, articles 35 and 37.

Students have become accustomed to being late to the educational institution, so it is difficult for them to change such behavior, as well as comply with schedules, obey rules, complete tasks and track their materials, which may also influence the family socioeconomic situation.

The poor practice of values of the students is denoted, because they use improper phrases, they talk loudly while in class, so the teachers constantly attract their attention, the frequent use of the cell phone in non-academic activities and the disrespect for others.

In teaching-learning, a good number of teachers use strategies and the use of technology to improve and achieve student learning.

Technological advances have boosted the educational sector in recent decades; this a reason in which it is important for teachers to use different types of technologies to help students learn in the classroom.

All teachers must use technology to teach, taking advantage of what is now has become part of the lifestyle of university students, just as it is happening in working life, teachers must be trained to improve their teaching through technology and therefore education.

This article is intended to help improve teaching practice at the "Luis Vargas Torres" Technical University at Esmeraldas.

All the teachers of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Technical University “Luis Vargas Torres, from the city of Esmeraldas - Ecuador, should be thanked for their valuable contingent to carry out this article.


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