MLS - EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Educational-Research-Journal

ISSN: 2603-5820

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Oriak Ortega, S. B. & Tamayo Ancona, M. E. (2021). La confianza como empoderamiento del desarrollo humano en la policía federal de México (Guardia Nacional México). MLS Educational Research 5(2),120-134. doi: 10.29314/mlser.v5i2.619.


Sandra Bárbara Oriak Ortega
International Iberoamerican University (Mexico) ·

Martín Eliseo Tamayo Ancona
International Iberoamerican University (Mexico) ·

Reception date: 04/04/2021 / Revision date: 06/02/2021 / Acceptance date: 07/01/2021

Abstract. The Mexican National Guard is the institution in charge of providing security to the population, however, for this to happen, and to carry out its mission properly, its members must develop certain personal and professional capabilities to achieve the performance society expects from them. The objective of this research is to determine trust as an empowerment of human development of the Mexican National Guard, knowing needs, personal and professional concerns of its members in order to enhance their performance and the institutional professionalization and reflect it before society for a more ethical and reliable performance to have a safe country. For this, it is necessary to have federal police educational centers which allow their members to develop personally and professionally within the institution. The methodology used in this research is mixed, performing both qualitative and quantitative analyses, which will serve to enrich the research. The study was carried out with personnel from various areas of the Institution, obtaining the sample through Probabilistic (stratified random sampling) and non-probabilistic (empirical, casual and snowball) techniques. Surveys and casual conversations were conducted with the elements, their colleagues and managers. For results analisys, the specialized software MaxQDA and Excel were used. Demonstrating the needs that the personnel conforming this Institution have with respect to an integral Human Development, to create the necessary confidence within it, and develop a comprehensive curriculum, for all the personnel who work in it, homogenizing learning and respecting profiles position and functions.

Keywords: Human development, trust, National Guard, security, education.


Resumen. La Guardia Nacional México es la institución encargada de brindar seguridad a la población, sin embargo, para que esto ocurra, y se lleve idóneamente su misión, sus integrantes deben desarrollar ciertas capacidades personales y profesionales para lograr el desempeño esperado por la sociedad. El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la confianza como empoderamiento del desarrollo humano de la Guardia Nacional México, conociendo las necesidades e inquietudes personales y profesionales que tienen sus integrantes con la finalidad de enaltecer su desempeño y profesionalización institucional y reflejarlo ante la sociedad para un desempeño más ético y fiable y contar con un país seguro. Para esto se requiere contar con centros educativos policiales a nivel federal que les permita a sus integrantes desarrollarse personal y profesionalmente dentro de la institución. La metodología empleada es mixta, realizando análisis tanto cualitativo como cuantitativo, que servirán para enriquecerla. El estudio se realizó con personal de diversas áreas de la Institución, obteniendo la muestra por medio de las técnicas probabilísticas (muestreo aleatorio estratificado) y no probabilísticas (empírica, casual y bola de nieve). Se realizaron encuestas y pláticas casuales con los elementos, sus compañeros y mandos. Para el análisis de resultados se utilizó el software especializado MaxQDA y Excel. Demostrando las necesidades que el personal que integran la Institución tiene respecto a un desarrollo humano integral, para crear la confianza necesaria dentro de la misma, y desarrollar un currículum integral, para todo el personal que labora en ella, homogenizando el aprendizaje, respetando perfiles de puesto y funciones.

Palabras clave: Desarrollo humano, confianza, Guardia Nacional, seguridad, educación


The Mexican National Guard is the civilian security institution, created by presidential decree in 2019, in charge of providing security to the population. For this to happen, it is necessary that its members develop certain personal and professional skills to achieve the performance expected by society.

Trust as empowerment of the human development of the Mexican National Guard is a complicated subject to deal with, due to the way in which the institution has been governed for years, it is interesting and very complex at the same time, which is why it becomes more captivating.

Since 2012, the former Federal Police began to address issues related to Substantive Equality, Gender Equality, and Human Rights of men and women; however, for a long time we heard complaints and claims of security elements belonging to the institution about the abuse of authority of the commanders, and although several elements report in writing about the abuse and little respect for their human and labor rights, there had been no follow-up to such demands. For this reason, we present some problems that this institution has had through labor climate surveys designed by the institution; trust, human development, and decent work areas are required for the elements of the institution to achieve full development; decent salaries are necessary. It is true that the higher the rank and position, the greater the responsibility and the better the salary; therefore, it is important to adequately standardize academic degrees, police, responsibility, and interpersonal trust.

It is well known by police forces worldwide that their members must be trained on issues related to national security, human rights, culture of legality, gender perspective, adversarial criminal justice system, and human development, as well as knowledge of police action; however, it is also of utmost importance that police institutions train their staff to trust their own institution and commands, and from that confidence it can be reflected in a better working environment both internally and externally. This will make citizens trust their national security institutions more. It is important to emphasize that this training should be provided from the moment new elements enter the basic courses.

Training in human development, trust, and work environment is considered of high social interest, and since the National Guard is the new civilian institution in charge of the country's security, it is important for society to know that it has well-trained and prepared police officers to achieve the trust required for the institution to grow nationally and internationally.

In order for Mexico to be among the safest countries in the world, it must implement an educational program in accordance with the country's needs; training experts in security issues with experienced personnel in Mexico and abroad.

The objective of the research is to determine trust as a basis for the empowerment of human development of the Mexican National Guard, knowing the needs and personal and professional concerns that its members have in order to enhance their performance and institutional professionalization and project it to society for an ethical and reliable performance.

The main problem is to reach the confidence of the personnel (and in the personnel) that is required to have a safe country, delving into what would be the personal and professional needs and concerns, recognizing factors that lead to distrust and little personal development, discovering the areas and time that this problem has, and deduce the way to minimize or eradicate it.

To solve it, it is considered necessary to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the main needs or concerns that external staff have that will enable them to improve physically and psychologically on an individual and professional level?
  2. How could the staff of the institution acquire the trust that is required between commanders and peers in order to empower themselves?
  3. Is it possible to diminish or eradicate the problem?

The following hypotheses are intended to provide answers to the aforementioned questions:

H.1. Educational, family, and leisure time concerns could generate mistrust in the members of the National Guard due to pressures within the work environment.

H. 2. Senior commanders and subordinate N.G. personnel work towards the same institutional goal, acquiring trust between them by maintaining mutual respect between hierarchies.

H. 3. Although there is a bachelor's and master's degree process within the institution, the workload and the demands of senior management generate a reluctance to study among personnel in operational areas.

In order to do this, some points must be delimited.

Confidence is the firm assurance or hope that someone has of another individual or of something. It is also the presumption of oneself or the spirit or vigor to act. (Pérez and Merino, 2009).

According to Laurence Cornú (1999, p. 19), "trust is a hypothesis about the future conduct of the other. It is an attitude that concerns the future, insofar as this future depends on the action of another. It is a kind of wager that consists of not worrying about the non-control of the other and of time."

Francisco José León (2014) mentions that trust in institutions, and especially in the police, is the result of:

  1. The evaluation of their performance,
  2. Interactions with actors and assessment of their intentions, and
  3. The moral alignment of the institution with the citizenry.

It is known that, for a country to reach its development, much depends on the ability of institutions to gain the trust of its citizens, specifically those dedicated to security, such as the National Guard, developing direct effects on the effectiveness of the institution on its ability to protect the common good, creating the need for citizens to collaborate in reporting crimes by providing valuable information for the resolution of these.

According to Morris, quoted by del Castillo (2014), corruption is "the illegitimate use of public power for private benefit" or "any illegal or unethical use of government activity as a consequence of considerations of personal or political benefit," which generates distrust of institutions among the population, as it did with respect to the now defunct Federal Police. Gaining trust and maintaining it in the eyes of society is very important for a good institution-citizen relationship.

Organizational Culture

Culture through time has been considered a mixture of distinctive spiritual and affective traits, which characterize a society in a given period.

Corporate culture creates and is created by the quality of the internal environment; conditioning the degree of cooperation, dedication, and firmness of purpose institutionalization within an organization.

Among its features are:

When a person goes to a job, he/she brings with him/her a series of ideas about him/herself: who he/she is, what he/she deserves, what he/she is capable of doing, where the company should go, etc. Elements that together are known as 'Work Climate.'

A stable Organizational Climate is a long-term investment. The managers of the organizations must realize that the work environment is part of the asset and, as such, they must value it and pay due attention to it. An organization with a too rigid discipline will only obtain short term achievements; it can be a link or obstacle for the good performance of the company or be a factor of distinction and influence in the behavior of those who are part of it. Reflecting this situation in important points such as autonomy, structure, rewards, consideration, cordiality, support, and openness.

Trust allows the members of the organization to maintain good relationships, having good communication, allowing them to transmit what they think and feel to their superiors in order to help and optimize the performance of the organization. Creating an environment of trust helps to avoid resistance to change and to increase motivation, involvement, collaboration, and loyalty.

The former Federal Police designed a Police Development Model that was intended to cover the period from 2017 to 2027, where a systemic and transformative perspective is proposed, whose profile contemplates a police leader within the institution and in the community where he/she operates, capable of applying proactive and innovative solutions and strategies with a full sense of integrity and humanity.

Given these conditions and in light of the concept of citizen security, six needs have been identified that should be covered by the police development model:

The Model is oriented to build five characteristics needed in the new police profile: leadership, innovation, integrity, transformation, and humanity.

It is made up of seven components, which are part of the international trend on the future of police institutions: Leadership, Intelligence, Multidimensional understanding, Strategic alliances, Proximity and social linkage, Science and technology, Professionalization and specialization. For this, it is necessary to train everyone equally, commanders and subordinates, to educate in an environment of equity where everyone has the same opportunities.

Human Development is a paradigm that encompasses creating an environment in which people can achieve their full potential and lead productive and creative lives in accordance with their needs and interests. This involves expanding opportunities for each person to live a life they value. The key is to develop human capabilities: the diversity of things that people can do or be in life. The most essential capabilities for human development are to enjoy a long and healthy life, to be educated, to have access to the resources needed to achieve a decent standard of living, and to be able to participate in the life of the community. (United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 2009).

There are three essential elements for measuring human development:

Human development must be present in different areas of the social process, and sustaining important pillars for its adequate direction: Equity, Productivity, Participation, and Sustainability.

In UNDP's (2009) view, capacity development is the process by which individuals, organizations, and societies obtain, strengthen, and sustain the skills needed to set and achieve their own development goals over time. An essential ingredient of UNDP's approach to capacity development is transformation, which must be generated and sustained from within over time. Such transformation goes beyond the accomplishment of tasks and is more about changing mindsets and attitudes. These are due to a process of positive growth and change that is constantly evolving.

Confidence and Human Development are linked to each other, allowing the human being to be accepted and recognized in each of the areas that make it up, creating and strengthening confidence in the human being to demonstrate it to others, which enables people to a high job and personal performance. It is important to teach and learn that there are controllable situations and others not, since we live in a changing society, where each individual develops differently, where the inter and intrapersonal understanding allows us to cope with the situations that arise, and to obtain a general welfare.

The police officer is a professional, who exercises skills and abilities to satisfy the needs of the group to which he belongs; he has a special mission to fulfill: to give his life if necessary in favor of social peace and justice. As a public servant, he is obliged, even more than any other citizen, to know the laws and regulations that govern his actions, since their non-observance has aggravated consequences. As a National Police officer, his responsibility is greater.

The main function of the Mexican National Guard is to guarantee the integrity and rights of people, prevent crimes, preserve freedom, public order, and peace in areas considered to be under federal jurisdiction. The National Guardsmen are professionals in public security, they have the knowledge to the implicit subject for the people and the social and economic development of the country.

Osse (2006, p. 31), mentions that the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, describe that police officers should enjoy the same rights as everyone else, including time off, fair pay, fair working hours, safe working conditions, and equal opportunity for promotion; the only exception is in Article 22.2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which states that States may restrict the right to freedom of association of persons working in the armed forces or the police, including the right to form and join trade unions.

Some of the human rights of members of the police that are particularly relevant to the functions they perform can be identified as follows: no arbitrary detention, defense, presumption of innocence, no incommunicado detention, hearing and legal procedures, sanctions, no duplicity of sanctions, no collective sanctions, prohibition of torture, petition, information, protection of their life and physical integrity, non-discrimination, respect for their personal dignity, training, a decent salary, work equipment, social security, stability in their police careers.

Labor needs in Mexico and the world have evolved, so, according to Gines (2004), it is necessary to modify the training model of Higher Level Institutions in order to respond to the needs of today's world, which is characterized by well-defined professions, which require that their competencies are always specific and related to a specific aspect of the world of work; stable professions whose demands for professional competence hardly change throughout professional life.

Today's world is one where educational and professional needs are based on obtaining work competencies, where traditional pedagogical models no longer work; we must create a continuous learning environment around students that encourages them to continue learning throughout their lives and allows them to remain receptive to the conceptual, scientific, and technological changes that appear during their work activity.

The needs of the new context of education demand that, in addition to theoretical knowledge, individuals should be trained in a broad set of competencies including the activities and attitudes that are required by the job: "A person has occupational competence if he/she possesses the knowledge, skills, and aptitudes needed to perform in an occupation, if he/she is able to solve tasks independently and flexibly, and if he/she has the willingness and ability to develop his/her sphere of work within the organizational structure in which he/she is immersed" (Gines, 2004.).

In countries such as Germany, Argentina, Colombia, France, and the United States, petitions to protect the human rights of police officers are beginning to be proposed, but it has been difficult to implement them within police institutions.

In order for the human rights of police officers to be truly applied and for them to obtain adequate individual and professional development, inter-institutional changes are needed in the way training and professionalization are dealt with within police institutions and academies, so as to meet the objectives of serving and protecting the citizenry.

For a long time there has been an attempt to professionalize the Mexican Police, this is due to the country's need to fully safeguard the safety of citizens, taking as a model other international police forces such as the French, Colombian, or American. The Mexican government feels the need to train its police in such a way that they can 'compete' with those considered the best, without forgetting their main objective which is the safety of Mexicans.

Marenin, cited by Alcocer (2016), proposes three objectives that are based on the fundamental responsibility of protecting human rights and maintaining democratic order: 1. accountability, 2. professionalization, and 3. legitimization; this, supported among other things, on personal integrity through proper recruitment, training, promotion, and sanction procedure; diversity of social identity; cultural interests, non-dominant values in society, etc.

A professional police force is one that citizens trust, not just because they protect, but because of how they protect. A trained police officer develops specific methods for performing a task and responding to a given situation. An inadequately trained police officer may feel insecure in carrying out his or her daily activities.

Among the elements that could provide security to the police, and allow them to perform their work effectively and efficiently and also provide the acquisition of confidence and the possibility of having an adequate personal and professional development. Rebuffo (2007) comments that having the right tools, such as equipment and training; promoting social support, which fosters respect and motivation; providing legal certainty (legal support); generating procedures and safe tactics for street work; having specific, clear and accessible operational manuals; promoting disciplinary certainty: certain and coherent consequences to their actions; provide greater political support as a state policy; create a control and feedback system that systematizes the police officer's experiences; guarantee respect and support for internal criticism; and provide better salaries and social security.

As can be seen, it is very important that Mexico, as well as the rest of the world, develop adequate programs in its security institutions in which its members can be trained in topics such as Human Development and Confidence to achieve personal empowerment, and together, the best results are obtained in the security of a country.


The methodology used in the research is mixed, based on the Multiple Integration Design (MID) as a general design and the Triangulation Design as a specific design, since the main feature of both is to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis, which, when carried out simultaneously, an enrichment is obtained in the research, according to authors such as Johnson, Onwuegbuzie, Greene, Hernández Sampieri, Mendoza, Teddlie, and Tashakkori (Hernández, 2014.), allows words, as well as other narrative elements to be used to add meaning to the numbers, these add precision to the words and other narrative elements. Theories are generated and validated between analysis approaches. Results are generalized, in addition to producing more complete, holistic and integral knowledge; empowering a better approach to reality within the institution, to subsequently design an appropriate curriculum for the broad formation and training of the members of the same, and that allows them to develop their work in the area in which they are, developing individually and professionally.

The study was conducted with personnel belonging to the Mexican National Guard. Two techniques were used to obtain the sample:
Probabilistic: Stratified random sampling was used, using the following formula:

Z= typical score associated with the adopted confidence level.
p= value 50% (0,5)
q= value 50% (0,5)
N= Size of the known universe
e= Standard variation or maximum accepted estimation error.
n= sample sizea

Due to the characteristics of the study, the voluntary nature of participation and the type of total population to which the study is directed, to ensure a confidence level of 95% and a maximum margin of error of 7.9% (8.0%), considering a total of approximately 1,895 elements working in the administrative areas of 5 strata or particular universes, the number of the sample was 140 participants.

The non-probabilistic techniques used are empirical, casual, and snowball.

The research participants were men and women belonging to different areas of the extinct Federal Police, proposed by their commanders since the permissions to carry out these surveys were given by direct talks with them a few days before. However, it was mentioned to the participants that their participation would be voluntary and anonymous. Likewise, the participants proposed more candidates to participate in the research.

The variables:

Dependent Variable: human development of the members.
Independent Variable: institutional professionalization within the various areas of work.
Mediating variables: personal, family, work, and professional needs.
Relationship between V. D. and V. I.: the interaction that staff have within their work areas affects the personal and professional development of the institution's personnel.
Influence of the Mediating Variables: the personal, family, work, and professional needs that the staff may have and are not adequately satisfied cause deficiencies in personal and professional development.

The data was obtained through the answers provided by the respondents and seeks to reflect the conceptions they have of their daily activities, as well as the attitudes they have when relating to other people, both in the reactions that entail the consequences of their actions.

The instruments were designed ad hoc to be applied directly in the field and were mainly answered in person by the participants. These were:

The data collection was carried out in 3 days since the permissions were granted by the commanders. While the way of applying the tests also varied and had the following incidences.

The tests were more extensive, more open-ended questions were included than planned due to the incorporation of the in-depth interview and the Life history; still, the collaboration of the respondents was extensive, rewarding, and satisfying.

It consisted of 74 closed-ended questions and 25 open-ended questions for a total of 99; the maximum time to answer it was approximately 20 minutes.

Each test consists of three parts:

First, general data: sex, age, marital status, schooling, children, courses related to their professional studies, work experience, time working in the institution, area of assignment, grade and position, functions, work atmosphere.

Second, work environment, confidence, personal and professional development, elaborated on the basis of the Likert scale.

Third, open-ended questions, to find out how much they know about the institution, their relationship with it, their co-workers, managers, and family relationship, to determine the level of identity they have and to find out the level of inter-institutional trust that exists.

It is important to note that for the validation of the tests, the support of the Rector Magnificus of the Universidad Nacional de la Policía de Honduras (National University of the Police of Honduras) was requested, who together with his group of experts issued a certificate of validation of the tests.

The focus groups and the DELPHI method were replaced by interviews with managers due to the limited time available to carry out the research, as these were conducted within the same 3 days in which the tests were applied.

Data analysis:

MaxQDA qualitative and mixed data analysis software was used to organize, code, and analyze the texts

The surveys were captured in Excel and then imported into the aforementioned software for coding and analysis.

The software allowed for qualitative and quantitative analyses of both the surveys and the texts used.

This analysis was done through the graphs, images, codes, and maps obtained as a result of using the aforementioned software and Excel.


Presentation of the results obtained

Table 1
Basic data

Sex: Female Male S/D
59 78 3
Age: 18 to 20 years old 21 to 25 years old 26 to 30 years old 31 to 35 years old 36 to 40 years old 41 to 45 years old 46 to 50 years old Over 50 years old S/D
0 12 19 44 29 19 5 8 4
Education: Middle school High school University technician Bachelor's Degree Master PhD S/D
4 44 8 66 11 1 6
Admission to the institution: Job opportunities Call for applications and training course S/D No data
22 116 2

Table 2
Questions with results obtained

ITEMS Always Almost always Occasionally Almost nevera Never S/D
Does the work you perform in the institution is recognized or valued by your superiors 29 36 47 - 10 2
Do you attend a course related to the work activities carried out within the institution and that allow him/her to develop professionally 18 26 44 - 24 4
Do you consider appropriate that higher level courses such as Diplomas, Master's Degrees, Specialties, etc., are only given to senior managers 15 16 44 - 24 4
Does your current boss addresses you with respect 93 24 12 1 1 9
Have you perceived that your boss has a preference for a certain gender or a specific person 18 12 19 11 76 4
Do you feel confident to propose your ideas for effective work to your immediate boss 60 32 25 13 6 4
Have you perceived that your boss assigns you absurd or meaningless tasks or work in order to punish you 2 10 17 17 88 6
Has your superior has threatened you with the use of disciplinary instruments (arrest, change of area) if you refuse to do work that is beyond your competence 3 2 15 20 98 2
Do you feel confident to ask your boss for support when you have a personal situation or paperwork to do 69 22 23 8 16 2
Does you hierarchical superiors encourage the staff to form a single work team 31 26 40 15 26 2
ITEMS Always Almost always Occasionally Almost nevera Never S/D
When problems arise, you and your colleagues are able to solve them effectively and efficiently 56 45 25 9 3 2
Do you feel harassed or bullied at work by your colleagues or managers 1 3 10 7 116 3
Do you feel stressed when going about your daily activities 1 6 44 25 61 3
Is your family is proud that you are part of the Institution 86 31 16 0 2 5
ITEMS Always Almost always Occasionally Almost nevera Never S/D N/A
The area where you belong disseminates the courses taught in the institution 59 29 35 10 5 2 -
Does your command authorizes you to attend the courses you are interested in 43 25 42 19 9 2 -
ITEMS Opportunity for learning and growth Fulfillment of duty Punishment Opportunity for learning and growth
Fulfillment of duty
Opportunity for learning and growth
Fulfillment of duty
Being sent to training courses, on any subject, without having selected it, is considerate for you: 117 9 2 4 1 7

Questions related to institutional identity and belonging were asked: institutional history, structure, meaning of the Star and Esprit de Corps.

Discussion and conclusions

It should be borne in mind that although most of the respondents belong to operational areas, their functions are mainly administrative. These areas are Anti-Drugs, Federal Forces, Gendarmerie, Substantive Equality, Precautionary Measures, Office of the Commissioner-General, Regional Security, and the Police Development System.

Since 2007, the now defunct Federal Police has opened its doors to more and more women, allowing them to exercise levels of command on an equal footing with men. However, surveys show that the male population continues to be more numerous, with 78 out of 140 participants being male and 59 female, and therefore, the majority of command positions continue to be held by male personnel.

It is an institution with a young population, equivalent to 73 of the respondents between 30 and 40 years old, allowing the members of the institution to develop their daily activities with greater ability and be more receptive to new learning; where its staff is concerned or tries to train and improve, as it is observed that 66 of the respondents have bachelor's degrees, others have master's degrees, and some have a doctorate; however, there is also a large population with low schooling, as 44 of them have high school, 4 have middle school, and 8 are university technicians.

The entry of personnel into the now defunct Federal Police was by means of a call for applications and a police training course, equivalent to 116 of the participants surveyed, which indicates that its members have the basis for operational work from the time of their entry.

The seniority in the institution of 97 of the participants is 10 years or less, 39 of them have between 11 and 20 years, 2 have more than 20 years. This, complemented by the ages described above, allows the members of the National Guard to have the possibility of changing the direction in which the institution is moving by training in Human Development, promoting the Human Rights of the police and trust, and creating a strong institutional identity.

It should be noted that the data obtained during the surveys provide important information about the hypotheses initially put forward.

In relation to trust and job performance within the institution, 47 of those surveyed said that their managers sometimes value or recognize their work, 29 of them said that they always do, and 36 of them said that they almost always do. As for training and individual and professional development, the respondents mentioned that courses related to their functions are widely disseminated among the members of the areas; however, 44 of the respondents said that they only occasionally attend those that allow them to develop professionally, even if they are of broad interest to them or they feel fully motivated to attend, 18 of them said that they always attend such courses, 24 of them said that they never attend the courses.

It is important that higher level courses such as Diplomas, Master's Degrees, Specialties, etc., be disseminated and given to all National Guard personnel since these are only for senior commanders, which is why 65 of those surveyed say that they never or almost never agree that these types of courses are only given to commanders. The only limitation that should exist for not sending personnel to this type of training should be the level of schooling.

Trusting a person and carrying out certain institutional tasks together with managers and subordinates allows the institution and, in particular, the individuals who work in it to have the possibility of feeling empowered and to continue performing their daily tasks properly since as Pérez and Merino (2009) say, to trust is to give and have the security or firm hope that someone has of another individual or something.

Cornú (1999) also states it, when mentioning that to trust is not to worry about the possible lack of control of something or someone at any given moment. For this it is important, in addition to trust, to include some of the characteristics of the organizational culture or work climate, such as leadership or the system of values, trust and empowerment of individuals allows to develop in a system too strict as can be the police institutions; as mentioned in the police model designed by the extinct Federal Police: maximize the potential, use of talents, build esprit de corps, introduce a culture of harmony and fraternity, improve the conditions of quality of life. In addition to including personal benefits, as Osse (2006) comments, police officers should enjoy the same rights as everyone else, including time off, fair pay, a fair working day, safe working conditions, and equal opportunities for promotion.

In general to train the members of the Mexican N. G. to acquire and develop their personal, social, and professional skills in their training and professionalization centers, where both women and men enjoy their daily work even more, being sure that they will be respected and supported by their commanders and colleagues, being more empathetic among them, recognizing that they have the same needs, concerns, and limitations; achieving positive results in the personal, family, work, and professional spheres. Reflecting this in the development of their emotional and work stability and, therefore, in the future acquisition of social confidence.



  1. Due to the change of authorities in the whole institution, the new titleholders, when the proposal of the investigation was made to them, did not authorize the realization of this one.
  2. The new commander does not authorize the performance of the tests to his subordinates, since due to his academic level, it is assumed that someone would try to take away his new position because he has a higher academic level than him.


  1. The participants did not answer the tests honestly.
  2. Due to the needs of the service in their areas, they were unable or unwilling to answer the entire questionnaire.
  3. Little time to carry out the observations due to the work activities of the participants.

Continuity lines

  1. Studies should be carried out for personnel deployed in the states of the republic who carry out operational activities, so that the results of both surveys can be analyzed jointly and programs can be designed in accordance with the security institutions in Mexico in order to achieve Integral Human Development of personnel and institutional trust within and outside of them.
  2. Conduct citizen surveys to find out how trustworthy they believe the institution to be.


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